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Six Pack – Two Pack


In modern aesthetics and increasing the quality of life, the ideal male appearance has been expressed with a fit, athletic and muscular body structure; Especially broad and muscular shoulders, muscular arms, a lean abdomen and prominent abdominal muscles have become the inevitable elements of a healthy and aesthetic appearance. 

Among the factors that determine having an athletic and muscular body:

  • How prone the body is to increase muscle mass 
  • Fat ratio in the body 
  • Distribution of fat in the body
  • Nutrition habits 
  • Sleep patterns
  • A disciplined, regular and long-term exercise program
  • Include physical condition and strength.

One of the most important criteria determining the ability to have a muscular and athletic body is heredity. The tendency of the body to increase muscle mass and the distribution of adipose tissue in the body are inherited. Therefore; While some people can have a muscular body without hard effort, for others it can be very difficult to have an athletic body. Our body stores most of its fatty tissue in the abdomen and waist area. For this reason, unwanted fat deposits in the abdominal area of ​​many people and the bulging of fat tissue called "bagel" are observed. Abdominal muscles; Although it is not very difficult to develop, it is the most difficult muscle group to make visible due to the adipose tissue on them.

What is Muscle Aesthetics?

Muscle aesthetics; It is a body shaping operation applied to have a healthy, dynamic, fit, athletic and muscular body. The operation is based on preserving or increasing the fat tissue in the areas where the muscles are bulged, and removing the fat tissue in the areas where the muscles are inverted by liposuction technique. In this way, the muscles are made clear and visible. Muscle aesthetic operations serve to give shape to muscle mass and reveal the muscles that can be seen naturally in an athletic body. Operation in which no external material or implant is applied to the body; It creates a fit and muscular body image by making only the muscles that exist in the body become much more pronounced.

Who Can Have Muscle Aesthetics?

Muscle aesthetics, which provides good results for people who cannot achieve the desired fit, athletic and muscular body despite exercise and diet:

  • Young and middle age men and women who want to have an athletic appearance,
  • In general, people who do not have obesity problems, but who have regional fat excess,
  • People who have difficulty in developing and making muscle tissue visible,
  • Muscle aesthetics can be applied to people who cannot find time to apply an intense exercise program and want to have a muscular body in a short time.

How Is Muscle Aesthetic Surgery Applied?

In line with today's aesthetic values, muscle aesthetic surgeries are not just as removing excess fat; It is considered as a healthy, dynamic, fit, athletic and muscular body design. By evaluating the muscle and fat tissue in the body, a personalized muscle aesthetic surgery plan is made. In modern aesthetics, it is not a body that is not natural looking and where only certain parts are shaped, but a fit and athletic body that is generally compatible with each other and has prominent muscle masses.


Muscle Aesthetics in Women with Two Pack Aesthetics

The most common area for muscle aesthetics is the abdomen. For this reason, muscle aesthetic operations  are known as six pack aesthetics in men . It is also known as two pack aesthetics in women. In the operation performed under general anesthesia and small surgical incisions of 4-5 mm length corresponding to the body folds are made, the fat tissue in the areas where the abdominal muscles are bulged is preserved or increased with fat filling, and the fat tissue in the areas where the muscles are pitted is removed with the liposuction technique, a diamond abdomen where six muscle bulges are seen in men, In women, a muscular abdomen (two pack) is obtained with two muscle bulges on the right and left. Chest of lubrication or gynecomastia (breast enlargement) is also the man in the chest area liposuctionBy applying it, a more fit and muscular chest appearance is aimed. With the operation, the waist area can also be thinned and the waist muscles can be exposed. In order to provide a more athletic appearance, it is aimed to clarify the shoulder, arm, chest and abdominal muscles in men. Chest, back, arms, legs, abdomen and waist are the areas where muscle aesthetic operations can be performed. Muscle aesthetics prices are determined after pre-examination. You can contact us to have a muscle aesthetics and to have a different appearance with your abdominal muscles. 

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