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Breast Uplift

·     Breast Uplift

Sooner or later, millions of women all over the world experience sagging breasts. Significant weight loss, childbirth, ageing and gravity are widely known factors causing drooping breasts. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem: breast uplift surgery also known as mastopexy. Therefore, thousands of women are undergoing breast uplift surgery to perk up their breasts and regain their self confidence.

Breast lift without implants is performed by plastic surgeons in order to fix drooping or sagging breasts. During the breast uplift procedure, excess skin is removed, surrounding tissues are tightened so that breasts are lifted and reshaped by the surgeon. Areola and nipple is typically repositioned. Breast uplift procedure can be combined with breast enlargement surgery so that fuller breasts can be attained.

Hundreds of women each year choose Contracted Hospital for high quality and cheap breast uplift abroad. All of them go back to their countries with great satisfaction and big smile on their face after their breast uplift in Turkey. Breast uplift cost in Turkey is much more affordable than breast lift cost in the UK.


Why Choose Breast Uplift in Turkey ?

·         Minimal scarring and fast healing

·         Board certified leading plastic surgeons

·         Hospitals with international accreditation

·         Number one choice of international cosmetic surgery patients

Breast Uplift  in Detail


PROCEDURE:  Breast Uplift


LENGTH: 1 to several hours


ANESTHESIA: Usually general


SİDE EFFECTS: Temporary bruising, swelling, discomfort, soreness, change in nipple sensation, numbness, permanent scar


RISK: Bleeding, infection, skin loss, asymmetry, loss of nipple sensation..


RECOVERY:  Back to work: 1 to 2 weeks. More strenuous activity: 1 month. Fading of scars: several months to 1 year or more


RESULT LASTS: Variable, gravity, pregnancy, weight changes or age may cause sagging


What is Breast Uplift?

Referred as breast lift or boob lift, mastopexy treatment raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the neighbouring tissue to support the new breast shape. A woman’s breasts change over time and lose their youthful shape. Such changes may naturally occur due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, aging, gravity and heredity. There are several techniques for breast uplift surgery. These techniques are based upon different types of incisions and they vary from the popular anchor shaped ones to the doughnut shaped ones. For some, extensive incisions might be required whereas others might be more suitable for smaller and less pervasive incisions. Patients may experience some bruising and slight swelling afterwards but they ease over time. Patients will be prescribed painkillers to control any discomfort due to the surgery.


Contraindications of Breast Uplift

There are not any absolute contraindications found for breast lift surgery in literature. Yet, one related contraindication is for future pregnancies, since lactation and subsequent involution further change the shape of the breast.

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