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·        Liposuction

Liposuction surgery is performed not for weight loss but for body contour correction. The initial result of the liposuction can be seen right after the surgery and the final results can be observed within a few months. Liposuction recovery time depends on an individual and on the amount of fat removed from the body.


Liposuction is one of the most frequently performed plastic surgery procedures in Turkey. It is easy to lose belly fat through liposuction in Turkey by Contracted Hospital’s experienced plastic surgeons. Tumescent liposuction and ultrasound assisted liposuction (ultrasonic liposuction) are the two most common liposuction techniques applied by Contracted Hospital surgeons for liposuction in Turkey. Liposuction price in Turkey is much more affordable than liposuction cost in the UK; therefore, hundreds of patients who are interested in high quality and cheap liposuction abroad are choosing Contracted Hospital each year for the best results; therefore, Contracted Hospital has become a top choice for liposuction in Turkey.


Liposuction in Turkey

·         Different types of liposuction techniques such as Laser Lipo, Classic Lipo and Slim Lipo

·         Quick recovery

·         Permanent loss of fat cells

·         International board certified plastic surgeons



Liposuction  in Detail


PROCEDURE:  Developing body shape by eliminating fat deposits with a special medical device


LENGTH: 1-2 hours


ANESTHESIA: Local or general


SİDE EFFECTS: Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness, burning sensation


RISK: Asymmetry, bagginess of skin, pigmentation changes, skin injury, fluid retention, excessive fluid loss, infection


RECOVERY:  Back to work: 1 to 2 weeks. More strenuous activity: 2 to 4 weeks. Full recovery from swelling and bruising: 1 to 6 months or more


RESULT LASTS: Permanent, should be supported with diet and exercise


What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a medical procedure that removes fat cells from the body using a special vacuum. It is important to know that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery; it is a body contour correction surgery. Enlarged fat cells which are resistant to diet and exercise are moved away from the body with this technique. Any areas with fatty deposits can be targeted by liposuction. The most common areas are the abdomen, hips, thighs, upper arms, neck and legs. Liposculpture technique, developed in the last 10 years, can remove the fats which cause contour irregularity. Liposculpture technique is also used for treating saggy skin and removal as well as destruction of stubborn cellulite. As long as the aim of the surgery is not weight loss but contour correction, there is not any risk of surgery.


Contraindications of Liposuction

Liposuction procedure cannot be performed on every patient. Contraindications for liposuction include severe co-morbid conditions (e.g. heart diseases, advanced obesity and wound healing disorder, diabetes), excessive cigarette smoking, pregnancy, a history of thromboembolic disease.

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