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For patients who have breathing problems due to deviated septum, septoplasty can be suggested by the surgeon in addition to rhinoplasty. When they are performed together, the procedure is called septorhinoplasty and it improves both the appearance of the nose and the nasal airway.

Conracted Hospitals has become top choice for patients who are looking for quality and cheap nose job abroad. Hundreds of patients from five continents have gone ahead with nose job in Turkey with Conracted Hospital. Nose job cost in Turkey is much more affordable than nose job cost in the UK. Contracted Hospital is proud to have top plastic surgeons with years of expertise, international experience and artistic skills which are essential to perform quality nose job in Turkey.

Rhınoplasty in Turkey

·         ISAPS and IPRAS certified plastic surgeons with artistic skills and more than 3,000 rhinoplasty cases

·         Top quality JCI-accredited hospital

·         No visible scars after the surgery thanks to advanced rhinoplasty techniques

·         Low costs

·         High patient satisfaction

 Rhinoplasty in Detail

PROCEDURE:  Reduce or enlarge the nose size, change the shape of nasal tip or nasal bridge, make the nostril width slimmer or adjust the angle between the nose and upper lip


LENGTH: 1 or 2 hours


ANESTHESIA: General or local


SİDE EFFECTS: Swelling, stuffiness, temporary loss of sense of smell, bleeding


RISK: In some cases revision rhinoplasty may be required, infection


RECOVERY:  72 hours to 10 days




What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, also referred as nose surgery or nose job, improves the look and proportion of the patient’s nose, enhancing facial harmony and self esteem. Rhinoplasty may also fix breathing problems which may have been caused by various abnormalities regarding the nose. It is recommended to wait until 16 years old before going ahead with rhinoplasty since the nose may not be fully developed at a young age. There is no upper age limit for nose jobs.

Risks of Rhinoplasty


Complications of aesthetic rhinoplasty are rare and usually minor when performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. Nonetheless, there is always a possibility of complication. These may be infections, bleeding or reaction to anaesthesia. After nose reconstruction surgery, cracked small capillaries on the surface of the skin may occur in the form of very fine red spots. Since rhinoplasty is performed inside the nose, there is usually no visible scar. However, when open technique is used or narrowing of the wide nostrils is necessary, very small and thin scars may appear on the base of the nose. Second surgery may be required in one of each ten cases. It is not possible to predict, and even the most skilled and experienced surgeons may need to perform second surgery. The corrective surgery is a simple one compared to the initial surgery.


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