
Why Medical Tourism in Turkey


Why Medical Tourism in Turkey?


· The purpose of quality and output is more advantageous economically, Turkey is a country which is to be treated for medical tourism or improve health.

These advantages can be listed as follows:

· The most important advantage of medical tourism in Turkey will coordinate the work of all health tourism.

· Having a national airline like Turkish Airlines for access to most destinations in the world

· Turkey JCI accredited by JCI in the number of hospitals in the world is 2.

· The primary advantage of medical tourism, where many have health themed resources available thermal and thermal thermal numeric, as is found in about 1 in Turkey.

· Turkey is spread over four seasons to be suitable climate Anatolian civilizations historical and tourist center.

· In one of Turkey will be able to cater for a population of close to a billion is a 3 hours flight time.

· Turkey is a serious labor have the potential with its young population.

· Health services are cheaper than other developed countries due to the availability of high-quality qualified resources, especially in medical staff.

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